Medsound 80s Vintage Synths Collection 2022
100 Presets recorded and multisampled for Kontakt 6
This is a personal selection of Medsound's favourite synthesisers from the 80s and 90s era. 100 Medsound personal presets recorded and multisampled directly from original analog and digital vintage synths
EUR 25

Medsound 80s style sounds 2019
1 bank with100 Patches for the DSI Prophet 6
After 3 years using the Prophet 6, i have created this bank of 80s sound style patches which i want to share with you. Install intructions can be found below.
Every patch includes a sequence song, which are the ones you are listeneing in the video.
Patches are recorded automatically in bank 1 : 000 - 099
EUR 20

Medsound 80s & Vintage sounds 2020
25 Patches for the Korg Minilogue xd
80's & vintage style patches from Medsound. From pads to bass sounds and chords.
Install instructions included in the pack. Patches are installed in the Soundlibrarian, from preset 1 to 25, then must be exported to the minilogue via USB one by one
EUR 15
EUR 20
Medsound Vintage Collection © 2019
100 Patches for Omnisphere 2
This library is a personal selection of Medsound's favourite synthesisers all time. 100 Medsound personal presets sampled directly from original analog and digital vintage synths into Omnisphere 2.